Mobile Documentary Film

Always the beautiful mind, skillful thinking, knowledge, and imagination

Create the film and NOT the technique!

Nowadays, it seems as if everyone is engaged in making a film by Smartphone!

Is that the advantage or disadvantage of the digital world?

Unfortunately, sometimes I don’t see any difference between professional and non-professional. Both, just click on the record button, and there you are;

“An irresponsible piece of video”!

The consumers have NO IDEA about the documentary modes, genres, styles, etc. And that is the essential and fundamental aspect to produce professional films.

An Excellent Example Film by Thế Phong – Da Nang Workshop 2015

The professional mind, filming, and editing with a smartphone!

In this workshop, we will NOT talk about the technical part but will work with mobile equipment (s) and analyze the quality, responsibilities, advantages, etc.

  • Low-budget production.
  • Mobile Equipments vs. Camera and Audio Mixer.
  • What is Mobile Journalism – MOJO?
  • What is Video Journalism – VIJO?
  • What is Citizen Journalism?
  • One man production
  • Flexibility
  • The eyes-minds behind the smart-phone
  • And more…